Thanks to all of our friends!
We passed 400 likes on our facebook page this morning and couldn’t be more grateful to our loyal and new followers on social media! As you may already know, we are not concerned so much with numbers and stats but more interested in sharing our message and our services to the local and global community and learning more from our friends!
We feel pretty special!
Clear Blue Commercial is the first ever and only Commercial Real Estate Company that has been certified as a B Corp, Small Business, Woman-owned, AND Sonoma County Green Business all together! We constantly strive to be a better company and provide better service to our current and future clientele.
What the future holds..
This year we plan to manage your commercial property, sell your commercial real estate, help you find your business a place to lease, provide your commercial building sustainability projects such as energy efficiency upgrades and water-saving landscape conversions, and much more!
Engage us!
Please let us know how we can help you and about collaborative opportunities.
This means a TON to us. If you think our posts are good, hit the like and share buttons. If you feel compelled, please comment. Please message us. You can also folow us/message us on @ClearBlue_CRE on Twitter and at Clear Blue Commercial’s Company page on LinkedIn!
We are truly grateful for all your support and business and look forward to a bright 2017!